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Master Clinician Track

This track is designed for physicians who want to become clinical experts in their field. The goal is to ultimately become a recognized expert leader. These clinicians distinguish themselves through their superior clinical skills, outstanding personal and emotional traits, and teaching skills. In order to become a master clinician, one must be under the tutelage of master clinicians. This path encourages the development of future master clinicians who will mentor and become the opinion leaders that foster clinical excellence.

Becoming a master clinician can have profound, life-changing effects for those in the medical field. This more advanced type of training offers an array of benefits, allowing healthcare professionals to expand their knowledge, hone their craft, and enhance the healthcare experience for their patients. Not only does it provide skills pertinent to practice competency, but also provides opportunities for broader learning that can be leveraged when making informed clinical decisions. By taking on a higher level of responsibility and evolving as a specialist, master clinicians are able to enrich individual lives while simultaneously making great contributions to society overall. With increased expertise and specialized knowledge at hand, becoming a master clinician is the ideal path toward offering superior service and expert care in any medical context.

This track will also require enrollment in Duke University's Master in Bioethics and Science Policy. This is a unique program that focuses on the intersection of science, technology, ethics, and policy. The program offers two concentrations in bioethics and science policy and tech ethics and policy, and prepares students to tackle complex ethical and policy issues arising from advances in science and technology. The curriculum consists of four core courses, 15 elective credits, and a summer capstone project or thesis. Students are encouraged to tailor their studies to their individual interests, and many opt to undertake independent study projects. The program can be completed in one year for full-time students, though students without a background in bioethics are encouraged to take one and a half to two years to complete the program.

Master Clinician
(Duke University)

Skills Learned the Master Clinician Track

  1. Diagnostic skills: Master clinicians have the ability to accurately assess patient symptoms and use a variety of diagnostic tools, such as lab tests and imaging studies, to identify the underlying cause of the patient's condition.

  2. Treatment planning: Skilled in developing individualized treatment plans for their patients, taking into consideration the patient's specific needs and preferences as well as the latest research and best practices in the field.

  3. Communication skills: Master clinicians have strong communication skills and are able to effectively convey information to patients, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals. This includes the ability to listen attentively, ask clarifying questions, and provide clear explanations of treatment options.

  4. Interpersonal skills: the ability to form strong relationships with patients, building trust and rapport through empathy and compassion. Master clinicians are also skilled at working effectively with a team of healthcare professionals to coordinate care for their patients.

  5. Cultural competence: Wware of and sensitive to the diverse cultural and social backgrounds of their patients, and are able to adapt their communication and treatment approaches to meet the needs of their patients.

  6. Patient education: Skilled at educating patients about their conditions and treatment options, helping patients to understand their diagnoses and the steps they need to take to manage their health.

  7. Professional development: Committed to ongoing learning and professional development, staying up-to-date on the latest research and best practices in their field through continuing education and professional organizations.

  8. Leadership skills: Skilled at leading and motivating teams of healthcare professionals, setting goals and expectations, and promoting a positive and collaborative work environment.

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